Sunday, August 18, 2019

LUMIPro's Gallery Features Immylicious Vicious!

This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with the very talented Immylicious Vicious. She is going to be LUMIPro's next featured artist! Her show is scheduled for Monday, August 19th at 7PM SLT. I hope everyone will come to check out her amazing work, but while you wat here is her interview...

I am so excited to have the opportunity to interview such an amazing artist! So first question… How did you hear about Second Life, and what got you started?  

Immy: I heard about it through a co-worker/friend about 10 years ago.  They helped me set up my first avi and took me to hubs where people would chat and hang out.  I actually got frustrated right away because I had no idea what I was doing with my avi and where to go and what else to do, so I  quit right away.  Then something happened to me in RL that made me not want to really socialize in the RL much, so I picked it back up again because I am definitely a social butterfly.

I remember when I first started I think we all have experienced that frustration. What are some of the things that you love about Second Life? What keeps you coming back?  

Immy: The first thing I fell in love with in Second Life was the music scene.  I had no clue there were dance clubs here, and when someone tp’d me to one I was floored.  I never left the rock club scene.  In fact, I also DJ.  Music is definitely my first and last love.

You DJ as well? I would love to catch a set sometime! You are definitely one of my favorite photographers. I love your work. What got you started?  

Immy: Well I was inspired by many photographers I had been seeing already doing amazing work about 1.5 years ago.  The first person I can remember noticing their photos was my bro, Dar.  He gave me pointers to get me started and I started to follow the work of so many other wonderful photographers. I actually feel so odd being chosen for a gallery with so many other amazing artists out there that are hundreds of times better than I am.

I have always said photography is a journey it is not about being the best, but about where you are going. Why do you take photos? Are you trying to say something to the world?
Immy: It really started as an outlet for my anxiety and stress.  It still is, but I feel I have less stress and more happy in my life and now I just strive to learn new things and keep improving my work. If there’s any message to the world in my photos, is that if you keep trying and practicing you can improve.

I love that! When you decide you want to do a new photo what is your creative process like from start to finish?

Immy: It happens in several different ways really.  I could hear a song lyric and spin-off of that, see a meme somewhere and spin-off that, etc.  The long way would be thinking of an emotion or situation I’m going through at the moment, trying to find or even make the pose, of course, add the lighting, change graphics and look for the perfect windlight.  After all that is to my liking I save and of course, upload it into my editor.  And as far as editing goes, I really just play around with things.  I have watched a few tutorials on youtube for help and other artsy ideas, but I really learn best by doing.  Also, I don’t even use Photoshop, I use Polarr which nobody else seems to use.  Uploading to Flickr can be a challenge as well sometimes, finding the perfect title and maybe a song or poem to pair with it.  The more I’ve learned, the longer the process is.  Unless I’m lucky.  My best photo with the most favs on Flickr literally took me five minutes!

I will have to try that program. I always like to learn new things. What advice would you give to new photographers in Second Life?  

Immy: Try everything.  I love seeing and learning new techniques and things to try.  Right now I’m in love with overlays for example.  Who knows what I’ll find tomorrow.  I don’t know about everyone else, but when I look at someone’s portfolio I like to see it all.  

Do you have any photography inspirations in either Second Life or Real Life?  

Immy: My amazing partner, Ajax, and music.

So how about we talk about the hud that brought us together, LUMIPro! How did you hear about LUMIPro, and what made you decide to take the plunge and get the HUD? 

Immy: Well, I would notice in situations my avi was not as visible as I liked.  I would ask my brother, Dar for his input and he told me about this amazing gadget.  I saved up some linden from DJing and was able to purchase it shortly after. 

I remember hosting and saving for my LUMIPro as well, lol. Do you have a favorite LUMIPro feature?  

Immy: The entire thing is awesome, but I guess I would have to say the projector options.

If you could pick a new LUMIPro feature what would it be?

Immy: Hard to say...maybe more poses?

Well you know we are always looking for new animators to work with, and you can add your own as well. Thank you for indulging me and talking about LUMIPro. So tell me something else… Maybe share something our readers won’t know. What makes you who you are?  

Immy: All of the things I have been through in life.  The pains and struggles all have made me the empathetic, social human being I am today.  I can only hope that everyone can take their pain and turn it into something beautiful.

That was beautifully said, and last but not least what are your hopes for your future in Second Life?

Immy: I just want to keep improving on my photos, DJing and having fun with my love, Ajax, and my awesome friends. 

I had a wonderful time getting to know Immylicious! I really do hope we see everyone Friday. Well until then...

Here is your ride!

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