Sunday, July 17, 2016

Some Quick Reminders.

I just wanted to take a few moments to remind everyone that the relay for life auction ends today at 1:45 PM. For all the details please check out this blog post. I really do hope you guys will come and support this great cause. Cancer in one way or another has touched all of our lives, let's do what we can to work towards ending this horrible disease.

I also wanted to remind everyone that entries for Windlight Magazine's summer fashion photo contest are due today. For details on that check this blog post. It is a really fun event to take part in.

We are so excited to sponsor both of these events. At each of them the winners will receive a LUMIPro gift certificate! Don't worry if you are really an owner the gift certificates are transferable. If you have a friend who has been wanting a LUMIPro now would be a great time for them to get one.

I want to think everyone for their continued support, you guys are just amazing! Well as I always say until next time... Happy Shooting!


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