*** She stands in front of the gallery door the motions for everyone to come closer. The sparkle in her eye gives away the fact that the LUMIPro team has been up to something. ***
Hello, everybody! I know it has been a while, but I have something exciting to share with everyone. This month the LUMIPro team is excited to present, "Virtually Beautiful." It is a collection of work created by different photographers within the community.
This particular show shares photographs from 26 different artists! Those artists are...
Congratulations to each of them! I know events like this make the LUMIPro team wish we had a bigger gallery. We look forward to doing more events like this in the future. All of the photographs for this show were selected from LUMIPro's Flickr Group.
If you would like to learn more about LUMIPro check us out on marketplace or try a demo in-world.
I hope everyone loves the show. Once again congratulations to our artists! Let me get out of the way so everyone can go have a look.
*** With a wink and a smile she unlocks the door and moves to the side. ***