*** Walks along the beach her feet leaving footprints in the sand as she carries a large stack of photos. Setting them down she ties a rope along the stage afterwards she starts pinning the photos along the rope. After a few minutes she notices a group of people forming behind her. ***
Hello everyone! Sorry I didn't see you there. I thought I would take a moment and reintroduce you guys to not only the winners of the Fun in the Sun Photo Hunt but the semi-finalists as well. It was so difficult for the panel of judges to choose, because everyone did such a wonderful job. People's creativity never ceases to amaze me! Before introducing the winners I would like to take a moment and send a thank you to our co-sponsors, Strokerz Toyz and the Hard Alley Social Club. We are so grateful for their support! Now unto the winners...
Grand Prize: Renee Portland
First Prize: Nicasio Ansar

Second Prize: Razor Cure
Third Prize: Harper Lexington
Honorable Mention: Marina Medeiros
Congratulations to our winners! I think you all did a wonderful job! To receive your prizes, or for any questions, please contact Samantha Ansar-Buscaylet. I don't always display the semi-finalists but with so many great photos I can't help myself! I am excited to show you guys...
Everyone did such an amazing job! It made me so happy such a level of participation!
*** Turning to the crowd she suddenly gets a very serious look on her face. She adjusts her glasses before speaking again. ***
I never like to get too serious when we do fun things like this, but I felt it was important to talk to you guys. I wanted to let everyone know that some of the winners had to be adjusted due to a few disqualifications. There was also a rumor started about the contest. I want to reassure everyone that any rumors are completely fabricated. Bringing you guys not only fun but fair events is important to us as well as our co-sponsors. Like any contest in Real Life or Second Life not everyone can always ''win'', but isn't part of the fun getting to share your work with the community? I would hope that if anyone ever had questions or concerns they would contact me. We really would like to continue to do events like this in the future. Well enough of that...
Once again congratulations to our winners and semi-finalists! I will see you guys soon. Until next time... Happy Shooting!
Once again congratulations to our winners and semi-finalists! I will see you guys soon. Until next time... Happy Shooting!