Sunday, April 15, 2018

LUMIPro Beta Testing Begins!

Hello, everyone! The day so many of us have waited has arrived... Today we will be handing out LUMIPro 2018 Beta to the very first round of beta testers! The testing process takes place in multiple rounds, and we always start with a smaller group. If you do not see your name today don't fret there will be more to come!

So without further delay here is the list of round 1 beta testers:
Adalynnereed resident
azariasjames resident
Curty (curt.dovgal)
Darkangel O'Leary (darkangel69Vig)
despinabeaumont resident
devereaubeauregard resident
djldyh3ll adored
DrusillaWolf Resident
Hammibal Rotaru
Hania Amidst (amberfff)
IAmKurok (Rok Stone)
illegal unplugged
Izette Resident
Jadelyn McAuley
jaime poutine
Kerena Zhangsun
Larien Tinúviel (zuleyma resident)
Leigh Leimes
Mandi Moleno
Raddick Szymborska
scottieleigh resident
theravisher resident
Vladimiro Renoir
Zeus Edelman
We will also include last years animation creators! (Please message me)

Congratulations to our first round of beta testers! Please be patient, I will be handing out betas to each person individually. If you want to find out more details, and you don't mind watching a video that is a little rough around the edges, check out the beta blog.

I also want to remind everyone that updates are always FREE! If you are a current owner you will never need to repurchase. If you are considering purchasing LUMIPro: don't hesitate every owner will receive the new update when it becomes available.

If you are interested in giving LUMIPro a try we have fully functioning demo in world. LUMIPro is also available on marketplace.

Until next time... Happy Shooting!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

LUMIPro Beta Say What?!

Hey everybody! The first thing I thought I would do today is answer some questions that I've received since we announced the beta was coming...

Oh, my God, will I have to pay for the new update?
Of course not! Updates are ALWAYS free!

Will this update support couple poses?
Stefan and I have heard this question many times. We would LOVE to support couples posing, however, we have not been able to find a way to achieve it cleanly in a no rez situation. It would be like the huggers that we all remember in the past. There would be no way to make sure that each person in the pose lined up properly. It is very important to us that we bring you the best features possible. Who knows maybe one day Second Life will add something so that we can make this happen. Until then there are some amazing couple poses created in Second Life! Of course, don't forget you can still use the other features of LUMIPro when doing a couple photo! 

I would love to try out LUMIPro 2018 Beta how can I get involved?
 If you are interested in is not too late to apply to be a beta tester. Just fill out this application. We will be selecting several groups of beta testers so if you don't get chosen in the first round don't fret there will be plenty of opportunities. 

I heard that you guys are looking for pose and/or animation creators, and I make them! How can we collaborate?
Some of you have already reached out to me, and I am so excited! Whether you have reached out to me or not please fill out this form. I want to make sure I don't lose anyone's information. I will reach out to you once I get everything together. 

I also heard that you are looking for bloggers and writers to cover the LUMIPro 2018 release. Where do I sign up? 
I am so glad you asked! Whether you are a blogger or a magazine columnist we want you! To get the inside scoop fill out this form.

Stefan and I both realize that this release is coming later than anyone expected (including us). Stefan went through a divorce, and I suffered the tragic loss of my mom and brother in a car accident. I think we were wondering if we were going to be able to make 2018 happen this year. We are super excited that it has become possible! Just wanted to thank our users for their support. You guys are just amazing! We can't wait to get LUMIPro 2018 into everyone's inventory!

If you have any other questions feel free to contact me in world, Samantha Ansar-Buscaylet(samoanhoneypot).

As always until next time... Happy Shooting!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

LUMIPro 2018 Is On The Way!

Hello everyone! The time that you have all been waiting for is finally here... It is LUMIPro Beta time! This release has been a long time coming and we can't wait to share with you! Once the beta is finally released we need your help! We need some of our amazing users to help us test it. If you are interested in beta testing LUMIPro 2018 just fill out this application. Once we pick the first round of beta testers the list will get announced on the blog, and you can message Samantha to get your copy.

We are also looking for people to collaborate with us. If you are, or you know, a pose or animation creator we want to talk to you! For more information contact Samantha Ansar-Buscaylet in Second Life.

If you have a blog or you work for Second Life publication and you would like the inside scoop you can also contact Samantha.

Well, for now, we don't want to give too much away... Keep your eyes on the blog!