Hello, everyone! The day so many of us have waited has arrived... Today we will be handing out LUMIPro 2018 Beta to the very first round of beta testers! The testing process takes place in multiple rounds, and we always start with a smaller group. If you do not see your name today don't fret there will be more to come!
So without further delay here is the list of round 1 beta testers:
Adalynnereed resident
azariasjames resident
Curty (curt.dovgal)
Darkangel O'Leary (darkangel69Vig)
despinabeaumont resident
devereaubeauregard resident
djldyh3ll adored
DrusillaWolf Resident
Hammibal Rotaru
Hania Amidst (amberfff)
IAmKurok (Rok Stone)
illegal unplugged
Izette Resident
Jadelyn McAuley
jaime poutine
Kerena Zhangsun
Larien Tinúviel (zuleyma resident)
Leigh Leimes
Mandi Moleno
Raddick Szymborska
scottieleigh resident
theravisher resident
Vladimiro Renoir
Zeus Edelman
We will also include last years animation creators! (Please message me)
Congratulations to our first round of beta testers! Please be patient, I will be handing out betas to each person individually. If you want to find out more details, and you don't mind watching a video that is a little rough around the edges, check out the beta blog.
I also want to remind everyone that updates are always FREE! If you are a current owner you will never need to repurchase. If you are considering purchasing LUMIPro: don't hesitate every owner will receive the new update when it becomes available.
If you are interested in giving LUMIPro a try we have fully functioning demo in world. LUMIPro is also available on marketplace.
Until next time... Happy Shooting!