***Walks into the salesroom a big smile on my face as five strapping men follow behind with large photos.***
Why hello again everyone! I thought since I have not bugged everyone in a while that I would of course... do a spotlight! Here we go!
Who Needs a Dress by Krystal Klear
Cafe Chic by Peep Sideshow Darkward
Stargazer Close by Lily Summerwind-Solar
Prehistoric Lady_004 by Dorza Aeon
Never Keep a Lady Waiting by Rhiannan Michalski
What great photos! Congratulations to each of you! Before I go though I wanted to remind everyone that we are still looking for your ideas about tutorial videos and new features. Also we are still putting together a list of great places to take photos. If you have ideas for any of these just send me, SamoanHoneyPot, a note card in world. Also If you have purchased LUMIPro and missed your group invite just send me a message. I am super excited to bring you some more great things this week so keep your eyes on the blog!
***With a smile and a wave she walks towards the door and dims the lights before turning to leave.***
Well until next time... Happy Shooting!